IBS Intelligence podcast: Rami Cassis on how Fintilect is facilitating hyper-personalized digital banking.

IBS Intelligence podcast: Rami Cassis on how Fintilect is facilitating hyper-personalized digital banking.

Written by Parabellum Investments

Rami Cassis was featured as a guest on IBS intelligence’s podcast, discussing why a one-size-fits-all approach will no longer cut it in fintech.

Rami shared his insights on the shifting landscape of the fintech sector, referencing the prevalent use of AI and the need to adopt an increasingly adaptable approach. He argued that the exchange between financial services and their customers must be highly personalized today – and that, currently, the industry is falling too short on this.

He detailed how Parabellum Investments’ portfolio company, Fintilect, for which Rami is serving as CEO, is equipping financial institutions in the UK and US with the tools to better understand their customers in order to offer more personalized services. In a market where customers have many options available, it’s essential that fintechs ensure their customers feel their precise needs are catered to, he explains.