Financier Worldwide: Rami Cassis says tenets of success in M&A are trust and transparency

Financier Worldwide: Rami Cassis says tenets of success in M&A are trust and transparency

Written by Parabellum Investments

Rami Cassis has been featured in Financier Worldwide, where he stated that trust and transparency between managing groups and the wider organisation are essential for a successful M&A process.

Cassis argues that transparency and trust need to be prioritised from the start of the M&A transaction right through to the final integration. This involves providing a clear roadmap that defines the changes, expectations and milestones that make up the process. Being open about these points helps ease staff anxieties and ensure the business as a whole is moving in the same direction.

Clear communication must also work in the opposite direction, particularly during the assessment stage, where General Partners (GPs) develop a robust understanding of the asset they are acquiring. Cassis advocates for the organisation to be honest about everything, including any underlying issues. These conversations allow GPs to build long-term relationships and maintain the individuality of the acquired company.

To help facilitate this, Cassis outlines three key steps for all mergers and acquisitions: establishing clear communication protocols, encouraging open dialogue, and obtaining unbiased input from neutral parties. While not a complete safeguard against failure, these steps take the organisation closer to a successful transaction.

Read the full article here.